I obtained my PhD in public health / social medicine in October 2005 at Uppsala University. The topic of my thesis was stress management and health promotion on a healthy (working) population and a population suffering from long-term pain. You can dowload my thesis by clicking here.

I'm an Associate Professor in Public Health (obtained at Karolinska Institutet) and have been an affiliated scientist at the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University. Today I'm a scientist at Karolinska Institutet and a Research Collaborator at the Mayo Clinic. My research profile is quite broad and ranges from advanced biology/physiology to psychology, psychometrics and integrative medicine (practical and theoretical). Today I primarily have the following focus areas in my research activities:

  • Web-based intervention (stress management, health promotion and systematic improvement of the work environment on the individual, group and organizational level).
  • Web-based data collection/ (work environment) surveys, questionnaire development and psychometric analysis.
  • Civility and incivility at work.
  • Stress and hearing problems.
  • Biological and psychological markers of stress and health/ill health.
  • Self-rated health and sleep quality; two measures that have proven to be important predictors of future health, wellbeing, morbidity and mortality.
  • Humor in relation to stress and health/ill health.
  • Stress and pain.

My foundation is in alternative and complementary medicine with educations in acupuncture, massage and hypnosis and registered nurse. One part om my research is to assess possible effects of complementary medical methods such as massage and mental relaxation on long-term muscle pain. In my doctoral work, I developed a web-based self-help tool for stress management and health promotion that yielded (at least short term) beneficial effects on indicators of both psychological and biological health and wellbeing as well as stress management ability.

List of Publications

  • Villaume K, Tafvelin S, Hasson D (2024). Health-relevant personality traits are associated with measures of health, well-being, stress and psychosocial work environment over time. PLoS ONE 19(12): e0314321.
  • Hasson, D. and K. Villaume (2024). Incivility is systematically associated with indicators of health, stress, well-being, and the psychosocial work environment. Journal of Public Health.
  • Sjörs Dahlman, A., M. Ljung Aust, Y. Mama, D. Hasson and A. Anund (2024). In-vehicle fragrance administration as a countermeasure for driver fatigue. Accident Analysis & Prevention 195: 107429.
  • Hasson, D., Okazawa, S., Villaume, K. (2023). Workload assessment: Time to emanate from accurate conclusions instead of preconceived notions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(3), 707–724.
  • Villaume, K., Tafvelin, S. & Hasson, D. (2018). Health-relevant personality traits in relation to adherence to a web-based occupational health promotion and stress management intervention. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2018. 11(3): p. 143-158.
  • Villaume, K. and Hasson, D. (2017). Employee health-relevant personality traits are associated with the psychosocial work environment and leadership. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2017. 23(1): p. 25-39.
  • Lundmark, R., Hasson, H., von Thiele Schwarz, U., Hasson, D., & Tafvelin, S. (2017). Leading for change: line managers’ influence on the outcomes of an occupational health intervention. Work & Stress, 31(3), 276-296.
  • Villaume, K., & Hasson, D. (2017). Health-relevant personality is associated with sensitivity to sound (hyperacusis). Scand J Psychol, 58(2), 158-169.
  • Hasson, H., von Thiele Schwarz, U, Villaume, K and Hasson, D (2014). eHealth Interventions for Organizations: Potential Benefits and Implementation Challenges Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of Risk : Creating Healthy Workplaces : Stress Reduction, Improved Well-being, and Organizational Effectiveness. C. Biron, R. J. Burk and C. L. Cooper, Ashgate Publishing Ltd: 299 – 320.
  • Hasson, D. and Villaume, K. (2013). An Automated and Systematic Web-Based Intervention for Stress Management and Organizational Health Promotion. Salutogenic organizations and change the concepts behind organizational health intervention research. G. F. Bauer and G. J. Jenny. Dordrecht ; New York, Springer,: 217 – 237.
  • Canlon B, Theorell T and Hasson D (2013). Associations between stress and hearing problems in humans. Hearing Research 295(0): 9-15.
  • Hasson D., T. Theorell, J. Bergquist and B. Canlon (2013). Acute Stress Induces Hyperacusis in Women with High Levels of Emotional Exhaustion. PloS one 8(1): e52945.
  • Johansson G, Sandahl C, Hasson D (2013) Role stress among first-line nurse managers and registered nurses – a comparative study. Journal of Nursing Management: Vol 21 (3), April 449-458.
  • Hebert, S., B. Canlon, Hasson D, L. L. Magnusson Hanson, H. Westerlund and T. Theorell (2012). Tinnitus severity is reduced with reduction of depressive mood--a prospective population study in Sweden. PloS one 7(5): e37733.
  • Wallen, M. B., Hasson D, Theorell T and Canlon B (2012). The correlation between the hyperacusis questionnaire and uncomfortable loudness levels is dependent on emotional exhaustion. International Journal of Audiology 51(10): 722-729.
  • Hasson D (2012) Effektiv stresshantering: På en timme. Stockholm: Forum.
  • Hébert S, Canlon B, Hasson D (2012) Emotional Exhaustion as a Predictor of Tinnitus. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, Vol 81, 324-326.
  • Gyberg V, Hasson D, Tuomilehto J, Ryden L (2012) Measuring risk online-Feasibility of using FINDRISC in an online workplace survey. Prim Care Diabetes, Vol 6 (2): July 103-107.
  • Wallen MB, Hasson D, Theorell T, Canlon B, Osika W (2012) Possibilities and limitations of the polar RS800 in measuring heart rate variability at rest. European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol 112 (3), 1153-1165.
  • Hasson D , Theorell T, Wallen MB, Leineweber C, Canlon B (2011) Stress and prevalence of hearing problems in the Swedish working population. BMC Public Health 11: 130.
  • Sinadinovic K, Berman AH, Hasson D , Wennberg P (2010) Internet-based assessment and self-monitoring of problematic alcohol and drug use. Addict Behav 35: 464-470.
  • Hasson H, Brown C, Hasson D (2010) Factors associated with high use of a workplace web-based stress management program in a randomized controlled intervention study. Health education research 25: 596-607.
  • Hasson D , Theorell T, Westerlund H, Canlon B (2010) Prevalence and characteristics of hearing problems in a working and non-working Swedish population. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 64: 453-460.
  • Hasson D , Lindfors P, Gustavsson P (2010) Trends in self-rated health among nurses: a 4-year longitudinal study on the transition from nursing education to working life. J Prof Nurs 26: 54-60.
  • Hasson D , Gustavsson P (2010) Declining sleep quality among nurses: a population-based four-year longitudinal study on the transition from nursing education to working life. PloS one 5: e14265.
  • Hasson D , Von Thiele Schwarz U, Lindfors P (2009) Self-rated health and allostatic load in women working in two occupational sectors. J Health Psychol 14: 568-577.
  • Hasson D , Theorell T, Liljeholm-Johansson Y, Canlon B (2009) Psychosocial and physiological correlates of self-reported hearing problems in male and female musicians in symphony orchestras. Int J Psychophysiol 74: 93-100.
  • Grape C, Wikstrom BM, Ekman R, Hasson D , Theorell T (2009) Comparison between Choir Singing and Group Discussion in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients over One Year: Saliva Testosterone Increases in New Choir Singers. Psychother Psychosom 79: 196-198.
  • Schell E, Theorell T, Hasson D , Arnetz B, Saraste H (2008) Stress biomarkers' associations to pain in the neck, shoulder and back in healthy media workers: 12-month prospective follow-up. European Spine Journal 17: 393-405.
  • Schell E, Theorell T, Hasson D , Arnetz B, Saraste H (2008) Impact of a web-based stress management and health promotion program on neck-shoulder-back pain in knowledge workers? 12 month prospective controlled follow-up. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 50: 667-676.
  • Hasson D , Gustavsson P, Sandahl C (2008) Webb-QPS –utveckling och prövning av en webbaserad metod för mätning av psykosocial arbetsmiljö och hälsa. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet.
  • Hasson D , Gustavsson P (2008) Personality and mental health correlates of sense of humor in nursing students: a population-based investigation. In progress.
  • Hasson D (2008) Stressa rätt! : öka din energi, hälsa och effektivitet. Stockholm: Viva. 327 s. p.
  • Hasson D , Omne-Pontén M, Gustavsson P (2007) EXIT 2006 -en landsomfattande populationsbaserad studentspegling av sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet.
  • Hasson D , Arnetz BB, Theorell T, Anderberg UM (2006) Predictors of self-rated health: a 12-month prospective study of IT and media workers. Population Health Metrics 4: 8.
  • Hasson D , Anderberg UM (2006) Pain Occurrence and Frequency in Patients with Stress-Related Disorders. Submitted.
  • Hasson D , Arnetz BB (2005) Validation and findings comparing VAS vs. Likert scales for psychosocial measurements. The International Electronic Journal of Health Education (wwwiejheorg) 8: 178-192.
  • Hasson D , Anderberg UM, Theorell T, Arnetz BB (2005) Psychophysiological effects of a web-based stress management system: a prospective, randomized controlled intervention study of IT and media workers [ISRCTN54254861]. BMC Public Health 5: 78.
  • Hasson D , Arnetz B, Jelveus L, Edelstam B (2004) A randomized clinical trial of the treatment effects of massage compared to relaxation tape recordings on diffuse long-term pain. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 73: 17-24.