I give lectures to many different target groups, including Universities and commercial companies. My approach is to, in an inspiring way, translate advanced science to tangible and easy-to-understand information that can be applied in your every day life.
My most common lectures (click the title for more information):
Stress do it right! - and achieve a balanced life
Here is information about an example of a common setup that I can adapt based on your wishes and needs:
Part 1
Introduction to what stress is and how it affects us.
Latest news about how the brain works and how we ”trick” the brain to gain insights into why we act and react the way we do during stress. Also explaning why, for instance, stress may result in increased abdominal fat and why you wake up in the middle of the night when you are stressed.
Review of behavioral stress reactions and how they manifest themselves in everyday life.
Biological/psychological explanation for why you can let it go so far that you get ill from stress.
How to stress properly and thereby increase quality of life, get a more well-functioning immune system, increase performance, etc.
Part 2
Stress management and protective factors - what is generally effective and good in the long-term and which strategies are less good for health and well-being.
Review of stress and sleep and sleep advice (which includes information on how to relate to science-based advice in a critical way).
An real-time experience-based exercise (if time allows for it), where you get to test your senses to increase your humility both towards your own thoughts and experiences and those of others.
This particular lecture requires at least 3 – 4 hours including breaks. With 4 hours, you can go a little more in depth and answer more questions.
Humor stress and health - myths and truths
Here are some key words about the content of the lecture:
Does laughter really prolong life and is humor really good for your health?
What do humor and stress have in common?
The lecture dispels some myths about humor, stress and health and confirms others.
Latest news about how the brain works and how we ”trick” the brain to gain insights into why we act and react the way we do when we are stressed.
Biological/psychological explanation for why you can let it go so far that you get ill from stress.
How to stress properly and thereby increase quality of life, get a more well-functioning immune system, increase performance, etc.
What is humor and why do we have it? Has it really contributed to our survival?
This lecture is a little more easy-going and entertaining and requires about 1.5 hours.
New perspectives on stress and healthy organizations
This lecture aims at providing new perspectives on stress and how to create and maintain good health and a healthy and productive work environment in organizations. It is a fairly concrete and practically oriented lecture on how to conduct systematic improvement of the work environment in an efficient and modern way. Among other things, examples of the latest trends and methods for how to create healthy organizations are described. The lecture can be combined with dialogue and interaction both with and between the audience.
You get answers to the following, among other things:
Do questions about stress in employee surveys really constitute a reliable description of how one actually feels? Is it really such variables that should be the foundation for organizational changes, or are there better measures that constitute better descriptions and yield more desirable outcomes?
Is a high workload really bad or can it rather illustrate the opposite?
What are the forecasts about the work environment of the future?
What values and expectations do today's young people have when they are introduced to working life now and in the future?
What characterizes high-performing groups and how can you use ultradian rhythms to optimize your own performance?
What are the challenges and needs for present and future leadership and work environment, and how can one prepare for these in such instances?
Successful leadership in turbulent times - what strategies do successful organizations have? How can you turn adversity into success?
This lecture requres about 2 - 4 hours depending on how much content, dialogue and discussion you want to incorporate into it. It is possible to adapt and customize it for different setups.
Civility at work - do we really need it?
This lecture contains conclusions from exciting and current research on civility and incivility.
What are the benefits of civility - what is it good for?
What consequences does civility entail for individuals and organizations?
The prevalence of incivility and disrespectful behavior has increased in recent years - what are the possible reasons for this?
What are the consequences of incivility in general and in the workplace?
How should we relate to the current trend concerning increased victimhood culture?
How should one distinguish victimization from victimhood mentality?
Additional section on feedback - how to give and receive it in the best way? (only in the 3 hour version)
TThis lecture requires about 2 - 3 hours and ends with practical advice on how to promote civility in the workplace and in digital platforms.
Practical communication and crisis management or Practical communication and building good relations
This is both a theoretical and practical lecture on communication, relationship building and crisis management. The audience gets an introduction to practical exercises for how to create empathic meetings and meet individuals in difficult crisis in a dignified way. You also get general information on how to improve / adapt your communication with colleagues and basic information on problem solving.
How do you know that you have a good relationship and how do you achieve it as quickly as possible?
What questions can we ask to clarify what a person says and clarify what a person does not say or better understand what he / she actually means?
How can I optimally help a person who is feeling unwell?
What should I do if I feel left out in connection with work-related or private meetings?
This lecture requires 2 - 4 hours and involves practical exercises for and demonstrations with the audience.
How real is your reality?
Stress is very much about experiences, beliefs and sometimes delusions. Many people blindly trust their experiences and perceptions, whether they are realistic or not. This is an experience-based exercise where you get to test your senses to increase your humility both towards your own thoughts and experiences and those of others. The idea is that you should be able to get a greater distance to yourself and others and thus become better at helping yourself and others.
The lecture requires 30 - 60 minutes.
Psychopathic leaders - do they exist?
The lecture describes what psychopathy is, how it arises and what characteristics characterize psychopaths. It also describes how psychopaths unscrupulously manipulate to achieve their goals and how easy it is to confuse desirable qualities with dysfunctional ones. But are there really psychopaths in working life and are there psychopathic managers? What are the warning signs in such cases and are there environments that particularly attract psychopaths? In such cases, it is possible to do something about it as an individual employee or as management / immediate manager?
This lecture takes about 1 hour and can be extended or shortened if needed.
- Increase Life!
Questions & Answers
This is a completely interactive form of lecture where the audience asks questions and I answer. It will partly be about simple straight answers and a little more complicated answers where powerpoint slides are used when needed. It is possible to arrange the lecture on the basis that questions are asked spontaneously or are prepared in advance.
Tailored lectures
I can also tailor lectures of various kinds. Feel free to come up with suggestions and requests for a dialogue about this.
- Starting from SEK 30 000 + VAT for lectures lasting up to a maximum of 4 hours. Travel costs and possible accommodation will be added.
- Starting from SEK 50 000 + VAT for a full-day lecture (i.e., more than 4 hours) or a repeat of one and the same lecture on the same day. Travel costs and possible accommodation will be added.
If you would like to have more information, please feel free to contact me on: info@danhasson.se.
Cancellation Policy: In the event of cancellation for a period up to one (1) month before the lecture, the Customer pays the Agency a cancellation fee of 10% + VAT of the agreed compensation. In the event of cancellation in the period one (1) month to two (2) weeks before the commitment, the Customer pays the Agency 50% + VAT of the agreed compensation. In the event of cancellation at less than fourteen (14) days before the commitment, the Customer pays the entire agreed compensation + VAT to the Agency.
Examples of customer reviews
”Dan Hasson immediately captures his audience, and takes it on a breathtaking roller coaster ride, from the deepest seriousness to liberating laughter. It is a ride I recommend to everyone!"
Per Winberg
Education Leader, AFA Insurance
”We learned a lot about stress in a short time. Dan has an incredible ability to succeed in weaving daily life together with scientific explanations, which makes the lectures easy to understand. The clear examples make us remember what we learned. Our new knowledge has helped us in our everyday lives and probably contributed to increased knowledge and understanding as well as better leadership.”
Britt Ehrling
Formerly responsible for finance, administration and IT in the Catella Asset Management Group
”Dan has lectured to pharmacy students for several years and is always appreciated for his inspiring, motivating and engaging lectures on stress and stress management. They are well adapted to the audience and Dan always reaches top marks in course evaluations.”
Andy Wallman
PhD, Formerly in charge of the final course for Pharmacists, Dept. of Community Pharmacy, Uppsala University
”Dan Hasson's lectures are very inspiring and interesting. What I appreciated most and that differs from other lectures on stress is Dan's positive way of looking at stress. There were no ”pointers” and I realized that a lot is about my own attitude to stress and my ability to recover. Dan gave a lot of practical advice on how to learn to ”stress properly” and what is important for recovery to thereby increase performance.”
Charlotte Korssell
Formerly Head of AK Management System, FMV - The Swedish Defense Materiel Administration